Let's Go Outside

Clients have been asking us for years to do outdoor portraits but, with the studio normally so busy, it's hard to find time to do more than a handful each year. So we're delighted to be able to offer our 'Let's Go Outside' campaign for June and July. We have some great locations in mind and hopefully the weather will be kind.  To be in with a chance to win one of our 20 Let's Go Outside photosessions with your family, just complete the form below.  Fingers crossed, we might be photographing your family soon!!


• Choice of location for your session

• An amazing fun filled photography shoot 

•An amazing cinematic viewing of images taken

• A beautiful fully framed 7" Desk portrait

Total worth €195



Your Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
In 25 words or less, why would you love to have a Family Portrait Experience?

If you are a winner, who will be in the shoot and what are their ages? :

Please confirm:

Terms & Conditions

  1. By entering your details you are consenting to be contacted via phone and email.
  2. We will not share your details with any third parties.
  3. You cannot enter on behalf of anyone else.
  4. Only one photoshoot per household.
  5. A member of our team will contact you before your session to run through what you would most like to get from the portrait experience, as well as to discuss who will be in the shoot and to give you advice on clothing/what to bring with you.
  6. Sessions will take place at an agreed location adhering to Government guidelines. Social distancing and other safety protocols will be in place.




All images © Copyright protected DesignWorks Photography
Award-Winning Portrait Photographer   

20 Red Leaf Business Park, Roseville, Turvey Avenue, Donabate, Co Dublin, K36 KN97

Tel: 353 1 8970950